National Engineering Research Center for Optoelectric Crystalline
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  Research Interests
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Research Interests

The center focuses on the engineering technology of optoelectronic crystal materials and devices. The following are the main research areas:

1. Crystal growth technology

2. New photonics crystal materials

3. Crystal machining technology

4. Key performance testing technology for crystal materials

5. Crystal materials detection technology and evaluation system

6. Crystal device standardization and large-scale production technology

7. The standardization of device integration and large-scale production technology.

The purpose of the above research is to bring significant economic and social benefits for nation.


Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: No.8, Gaoxindadao Road, Shangjie, Minhou, Fuzhou, P. R. China Postcode: 350108 Tel: 0591-63173066 Fax: 0591-63173068 E-mail:
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