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Prof. Kim Renee Dunbar from Texas A&M University, USA, Visits FJIRSM

Prof. Kim Renee Dunbar from Texas A&M University, USA, visited Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM) at the invitation of the State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry on November 8th, 2009. During her stay, Prof. Dunbar delivered a seminar report entitled “Magnetic and Conducting Molecular Materials: A Tale of Coordination Chemistry across the Ages” and carried out detailed discussion with the research staff of FJIRSM.
Prof. Dunbar received her Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Purdue University in 1984 with Richard A. Walton and carried out postdoctoral research at Texas A&M University from 1985-1986 under the direction of the late Professor F. Albert Cotton. She joined the faculty of Department of Chemistry of Texas A&M in 1999 after serving on the faculty at Michigan State University for 12 years where she was named a University Distinguished Professor in 2006. Prior to that, in 2004, she was named the first Davidson Professor of Science and joint holder of the Davidson Chair in Science, meriting particular distinction as the first female chair holder in the College of Science. Prof. Dunbar's research in synthetic and structural inorganic chemistry, funded by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, the American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Fund and the Welch Foundation, is focused on problems at the interface of materials and biological chemistry. Her theoretical explanations for physical and chemical phenomena in several areas have aided in understanding inorganic/organic hybrid materials, molecular magnets, and the mechanism of action of new and previously studied dirhodium anticancer compounds. Major professional honors include an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, and Fellowships in the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Institute of Chemists. She received Distinguished Alumna Awards from Purdue University Department of Chemistry in 2004 and from Westminster College in 2000. She serves her profession as Associate Editor of Inorganic Chemistry. Recognized for her teaching and mentoring as well as research, Prof. Dunbar received the University Teaching Award from Michigan State University in 1991 and the Inaugural Graduate Mentoring Award from the Association of Former Students at Texas A&M University in 2006. Prof. Dunbar is the author of over 280 publications including 16 reviews and book chapters.


Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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