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Prof. LI Xiaoguang and Prof. ZHANG Qinyuan Visit FJIRSM

Prof. LI Xiaoguang from the University of Science and Technology of China and Prof. ZHANG Qinyuan from South China University of Technology, visited Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM) at the invitation of the State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry on December 6th, 2010. During their stay, Prof. LI delivered a seminar report entitled “Researches on modulation growth and properties of the thermoelectric nanowires and their array”, and Prof. ZHANG did a report entitled “Doped optical functional glass and relevant devices”. Both of the two professors carried out detailed discussion with the research staff of FJIRSM after their reports.

Prof. LI Xiaoguang, a professor with the University of Science and Technology of China, is one of the winners of the Distinguished Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation(NNSF). He earned his Ph.D from the Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in January, 1989. He had ever been working in the University of Tokyo, Tsinghua University in Taiwan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong University and Tokyo Institute of Technology doing scientific researches on perovskite oxide materials, magnetic properties and microstructure, and properties of low dimensional materials. He has published 200 SCI papers on some Influential international journals including Nature Materials, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys . Lett.,, and his papers have been cited for more than 1,700 times. Prof. LI also coauthored three monographs while getting 8 authorized patents.

Prof. ZHANG Qinyuan is now a professor and doctoral supervisor with South China University of Technology, and he is currently the director of the Institute of Optical Communication Materials, and one of the editors for the well-known journals such as Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Globe Journal of Physics Express, and Optics. His main research interest covers rare earth optical materials, optical glass and special fiber. In the past five years, Prof. ZHANG presided over a number of key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in the research fields of rare earth-doped optical functional materials, special optical glass and rare earth doped glass fiber. So far, he has published over 100 research papers on some famous journals including Progress in Materials Science, Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports, Advanced Functional Materials, Applied Physics Letters. And his papers have been cited for more than 700 times, a total of 18 national invention patent applications have been submitted by him with a result of 7 authorized. Prof. ZHANG won the first award for natural sciences of Guangdong Province in 2010.

Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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