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Prof. XI Zhenfeng from Beijing University Visits FJIRSM


Prof. XI Zhenfeng from Beijing University visited Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM) at the invitation of the State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry on April 8th, 2011. During his stay, Prof. XI delivered a seminar report entitled “Organometallic heterocyclic reagents: reaction mechanism and relevant application” and carried out detailed discussion with the research staff of FJIRSM.

At present, Prof. XI Zhenfeng is a distinguished professor with the College of Chemistry, Beijing University and the winner of Chang Jiang Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education. During the period of 2002-2006, Prof. XI was the director of the College of Chemistry, Beijing University. In 2005, he became one of the winners for “Creative Research Group Fund” by the National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF). Now he is the director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Identification and Function, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the deputy chief editor for some famous scholastic journals including Applied Organometallic Chemistry (Wiley), Chinese Science Bulletin and Chemistry Online. Meanwhile, he is also one of the members for the editorial boards of some important overseas and domestic periodicals including Synlett/Synthesis, Tetrahedron/Tetrahedron Letters, Chem. Lett.  

Prof. XI’s research interest focuses on the in-depth study of metal organic reactive intermediates and reaction mechanism by use of the new reactions and new methods of organic syntheses of metal compounds with high selectivity. So far, Prof. XI has made a series of outstanding achievements in the research fields of bimetallic organic reagents and heterocyclic organometallic reagents.

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