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Dr. John Errington from UK Visits FJIRSM

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Dr. John Errington from the School of Chemistry at Newcastle University, UK, visited Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM) at the invitation of Fujian Key(Engineering) Laboratory of Nanomaterials on March 23rd, 2013. This was his second visit to FJIRSM since he came in 1991.While staying at FJIRSM, Prof. Errington visited Prof. LU Canzhong’s research group and carried out detailed discussion about scientific issues with the research staff.

Dr. John Errington obtained his BSc in the School of Chemistry at Leeds University and worked with Prof. Bernard L. Shaw FRS for his PhD. He did his postdoctoral work at Prof. Malcolm H. Chisholm’s group at Indiana University from 1980 to 1981 involved metal-metal bonded compounds of Mo and W. He was appointed to a lectureship at Newcastle University in 1984 and began a programme to investigate the non-aqueous synthesis and reactivity of early transition metal polyoxoanions (polyoxometalates). His research interest in metal alkoxides includes their use as homogeneous catalysts, as precursors to heterogeneous catalysts with well defined reactive sites, and as precursors for the preparation of ferroelectric and non-linear optical thin films and powders.


Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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