Prof. Magda Titirici Visits FJIRSM |
Prof. Magda Titirici from Imperial College London, UK, visited Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM) on June 17th, 2019. While staying at FJIRSM, Prof. Magda Titirici delivered a lecture entitled “Black is the New Green”, and carried out detailed discussion with the researchers and students at FJIRSM. Prof. Magda Titirici received her doctor degree from Dortmund University of Technology in 2005. She was promoted to be a professor in 2014 at Queen Mary University. Prof. Magda Titirici moved to Imperial College London in January 2019 to take up a Chair in Sustainable Energy Materials. Magda is the author of over 170 articles and was included in the Global Highly Cited Researchers (Clarivate Analytics) in the past four years. She is the author of 13 book chapters and one book, and she also holds 7 patents.