The Asian Chemical Congress (ACC) is the major biannual congress organized by the members of the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS), the peak body representing chemistry in the Asia-Pacific region. FACS comprises 31 dynamic chemical societies from countries and territories in the Asia Pacific.
The 17th ACC at Melbourne (23-28 July 2017) will be an exciting, unprecedented opportunity for chemists to network with world leaders in chemistry, and to hear about the latest, increasingly boundary spanning chemical research. The congress will be held in the beautiful, cosmopolitan, and multicultural city of Melbourne in parallel with eight other international congresses that span all aspects of chemistry. These congresses, which are part of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s centenary year celebration, will attract 3500 of the best chemistry researchers and academics. The 17ACC will provide an excellent opportunity for Asian chemists to strengthen current networks and to establish new collaborative links within Asian, Oceania, and the rest of the world.
The congress will provide access to lectures from top Asian and international researchers working at the cutting edge of chemistry. These include Nobel Laureates, Prof. Robert Grubbs, and Prof. Ada Yonath, and a very strong program of internationally renowned chemists from the Asia/Pacific region.
The indicative 17ACC scientific program topics have been chosen to illustrate the relevance and value of chemistry to modern society and commerce however, papers from all aspects of chemistry are welcome.
Biological, Medicinal and Regenerative Chemistry
Molecular Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Molecular Photonics & Electronics
Chemical Analysis & Characterization
Chemicals from Natural Products and Biomass
Chemistry for Green and Sustainable Energy, Water, Feedstocks
Education in Chemistry
Food Chemistry and Functional Foods
General Chemistry
Macromolecular Chemistry & Chemistry of Materials
Novel Porous Materials/Metal-Organic Frameworks
17ACC provides a great opportunity to researchers and academicians from graduate students to senior scientists and professors, to share and exchange their research and experience. It is also a good chance for chemists from both public and private sectors to exchange ideas and to meet with international leading scientists and exhibitors.
Please see the details at