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ICCC2020 will be held in Rimini, Italy(Jul.5-11, 2020)

The 44th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC 2020) will be held in Rimini, Italy during the period of July 5 to July 10, 2020.  

The Organizing Committee, with the support of Elsevier and Wiley-VCH, is organizing three Special issues (Coord. Chem. Rev., Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. and J. Inorg. Biochem.) to celebrate the 44th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry. All conference attendees are invited to contribute to one of these issues, with submission deadlines scheduled for late 2020. 

Authors interested in contributing to this initiative are warmly invited to announce their candidacy NOW by sending an email to the Scientific Secretary ( with the following information: 

1) Name and Surname of the corresponding author(s) 

2) tentative title of their contribution and 

3) journal choice (one of the three options mentioned above) 

Please note that all contributions considered suitable for the journal will undergo regular peer-review evaluation. In case of a contribution on Coordination Chemistry Reviews, the selected topic will be discussed beforehand with the journal editorial staff so as to get an official invitation to contribute a review article on the proposed topic. 

Please see the detail at 

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