Prof. Zhoubin Lin
Research Interests:
Laser crystals, nonlinear optical crystals and other new functional crystal materials
1. From Sr2Nb2O7 to CaxSr2-xNb2O7: An Effective Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Activity by a Simple Way of Cation Substituting, Cryst. Growth Des. (2018) 18, 4140?4149
2. A new ~1 μm laser crystal Nd:Gd2SrAl2O7: growth, thermal, spectral and lasing properties,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (2018) 51, 125307:1-8.
3. MoSe2 nanoflower as the saturable absorber for 1 μm and 2 μm passively Q-switched bulk state laser, Materials Research Bulletin, (2018) 99, 168–173.
4. Disordered Tm:Ca9La(VO4)7: a novel crystal with potential for broadband tunable lasing, Optical Materials Express, 7(2) (2017) 484-493.
5. A promising ultrafast pulses laser crystal with disordered structure: Yb3+:Sr3Gd2(BO3)4, CrystEngComm., 19 (2017) 1620–1626
6. Crystal growth and spectroscopic properties of Cr3+-doped CaGdAlO4, Journal of Crystal Growth, 463 (2017) 33–37.
7. Crystal growth, optical spectroscopy and laser action of Tm3+-doped monoclinic magnesium tungstate, Optics Express, 25(4) (2017) 3682-3693.
8. Spectroscopic properties and continuous-wave laser operation of Er3+:Yb3+:LaMgB5O10 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 695 (2017) 215-220.
9. Two novel Yb:YAG-based garnet solid solutions with broader spectral bandwidth, Journal of Luminescence, 181 (2017) 179–183.
10. Spectroscopy and laser performance of Yb3+:GdMgB5O10 crystal, Journal of Luminescence,188 (2017) 7–11.
11. Improvement of second-harmonic generation induced by structural distortions in Nb doped YCa9(VO4)7 crystals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 726 (2017) 860-865.
12. Characterization of growth, optical properties, and laser performance of monoclinic Yb:MgWO4crystal, Optical Materials Express, (2016) 6(5): 1627–1634.
13. Thermal and spectral characterization of Cr3+:MgWO4-a promising tunable laser material, Journal of Luminescence, (2016) 169: 161–164.
14. Spectroscopy properties and high-efficiency semiconductor saturable absorber mode-locking operation with highly doped (11 at.%) Yb:Sr3Y2(BO3)4 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,(2016) 687: 480-485.
15. Growth and spectral properties of a promising laser crystal Yb3+/Er3+:Ca9La(VO4)7, Journal of Crystal Growth . (2016) 451: 52-56.
16. Direct diode-pumped 58 fs Yb:Sr3Y2(BO3)4 laser, Optical Materials, (2016) 55:1–4.
17. Yb3+:Sr3Y2(BO3)4: A potential ultrashort pulse laser crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2015) 632: 386–391. *
18. Mechanical, thermal and spectral characteristics of Nd3+:Sr6YSc(BO3)6 crystal, Optical Materials, (2015) 43: 66–70
19. Growth and spectral characteristics of a new promising stoichiometric laser crystal: Ca9Yb(VO4)7, Journal of Rare Earths, (2015) 33: 239-243.