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(C6H5CH2NH3)2CsAgBiBr7: High Curie-Temperature Multilayered Hybrid Double Perovskite Photoferroelectric Induced by Aromatic Cation Alloying

Most of the ferroelectrics contain high concentrations of toxic Pb elements, which will be a potential obstacle for their further application. Driven by the urgent demand for lead-free hybrid counterparts, the family of hybrid double perovskite ferroelectric with strong structural compatibility and intriguing physical properties are considered to be promising environmentally friendly alternatives.  

However, the only two reported cryogenic samples (Tc< 273 K) of 2D multi-layer hybrid double perovskite ferroelectric semiconductors suffered from the low operating temperature, which seriously limited its further applications. 

In a study published in J. Am. Chem. Soc., the research group led by Prof. LUO Junhua and Dr. LIU Xitao from Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter  of the Chinese Academy of Sciences  developed a fatigue-free layered hybrid perovskite ferroelectric, (C6H5CH2NH3)2CsAgBiBr7, which is demonstrated for exploration of high Curie-temperature 2D multilayered hybrid double perovskite photoferroelectrics. 

Through the method of aromatic cation alloying, the researchers developed the novel 2D layered hybrid double perovskite ferroelectric (C6H5CH2NH3)2CsAgBiBr7 with polarization and semiconducting properties including ultra-high Curie-temperature of 483 K, which remains a new record in 2D hybrid perovskite ferroelectrics.  

The deep understanding of computational investigation revealed that such high Tc is originated from the larger rotational phase transition barriers carrier induced by the aromatic amine than the aliphatic amine in reported instances.

Besides, (C6H5CH2NH3)2CsAgBiBr7 displays the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE) with a prominent zero-bias photocurrent (2.5 μA/cm2). There is no doubt that the excellent ferroelectric and photoelectric features are reminiscent of an avenue to its application in high-performance photovoltaic-driven photodetection.  

This study offers an efficient approach for excavating the further application of multifunctional ferroelectric materials in next-generation electronic devices. 



Aromatic cation alloying strategy for the design of high-Tc multilayered hybrid double perovskite photoferroelectric. (Image by Prof. LUO's group) 



Prof. LUO Junhua 

Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter 

Chinese Academy of Sciences 



Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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